<pre class="cake-error"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="document.getElementById('cakeErr6621164c9f10e-trace').style.display = (document.getElementById('cakeErr6621164c9f10e-trace').style.display == 'none' ? '' : 'none');"><b>Notice</b> (8)</a>: Undefined variable: cakeDescription [<b>APP/Template/Bunker/exposicion.ctp</b>, line <b>34</b>]<div id="cakeErr6621164c9f10e-trace" class="cake-stack-trace" style="display: none;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="document.getElementById('cakeErr6621164c9f10e-code').style.display = (document.getElementById('cakeErr6621164c9f10e-code').style.display == 'none' ? '' : 'none')">Code</a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="document.getElementById('cakeErr6621164c9f10e-context').style.display = (document.getElementById('cakeErr6621164c9f10e-context').style.display == 'none' ? '' : 'none')">Context</a><pre id="cakeErr6621164c9f10e-code" class="cake-code-dump" style="display: none;"><code><span style="color: #000000"><span style="color: #0000BB">    </span><span style="color: #007700"><</span><span style="color: #0000BB">title</span><span style="color: #007700">> </span></span></code> <span class="code-highlight"><code><span style="color: #000000"><span style="color: #0000BB">        </span><span style="color: #007700"><?= </span><span style="color: #0000BB">$cakeDescription ?> </span></span></code></span> <code><span style="color: #000000"><span style="color: #0000BB">         </span></span></code></pre><pre id="cakeErr6621164c9f10e-context" class="cake-context" style="display: none;">$viewFile = '/home/ivjhl7tgijfk/public_html/src/Template/Bunker/exposicion.ctp' $dataForView = [ 'actividad' => object(App\Model\Entity\Actividade) { 'id' => (int) 59, 'titulo' => 'Lo que no se dice. ', 'tipo' => '0', 'slug' => 'lo-que-no-se-dice', 'descripcion' => '<p>Cortometraje&nbsp;documental de Bryan C&aacute;rdenas que narra la experiencia de Ingrid como&nbsp;persona&nbsp;travesti en M&eacute;xico.</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="157" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6Xqvd2lj8AQ" width="280"></iframe></p> <p>Direcci&oacute;n: Bryan C&aacute;rdenas. Protagonista: Ingrid Islas. Producci&oacute;n: Border Agencia de Activismo. Producci&oacute;n audiovisual: The Bohemio. Locaci&oacute;n: Casa Club Roshell.</p> ', 'sede' => 'border.com.mx', 'aliados' => '', 'dias' => 'Jueves', 'duracion' => '2 horas', 'costo' => 'Actividad sin costo', 'leyenda' => '', 'vigencia' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'fecha_inicio' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'fecha_final' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'hora_inicio' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'hora_final' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'published' => true, 'created' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'id_programa' => (int) 1, 'url_imagen' => 'Exposicion_Travestismo1.jpg', 'mail_inscripcion' => '', 'boton_paypal' => '', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[hasErrors]' => false, '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Actividades' }, 'programas' => object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT Programas.titulo AS `Programas__titulo`, Programas.id AS `Programas__id`, Programas.slug AS `Programas__slug` FROM programas Programas WHERE Programas.activo = :c0 ORDER BY titulo ASC', 'params' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'matching' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'extraOptions' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'repository' => object(App\Model\Table\ProgramasTable) {} }, 'textosBorder' => object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT TextosDescripcion.titulo AS `TextosDescripcion__titulo`, TextosDescripcion.id AS `TextosDescripcion__id`, TextosDescripcion.index_posicion AS `TextosDescripcion__index_posicion`, TextosDescripcion.slug AS `TextosDescripcion__slug` FROM textos_descripcion TextosDescripcion WHERE (TextosDescripcion.published = :c0 AND TextosDescripcion.id > :c1) ORDER BY index_posicion ASC', 'params' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'matching' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'extraOptions' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'repository' => object(App\Model\Table\TextosDescripcionTable) {} } ] $actividad = object(App\Model\Entity\Actividade) { 'id' => (int) 59, 'titulo' => 'Lo que no se dice. ', 'tipo' => '0', 'slug' => 'lo-que-no-se-dice', 'descripcion' => '<p>Cortometraje&nbsp;documental de Bryan C&aacute;rdenas que narra la experiencia de Ingrid como&nbsp;persona&nbsp;travesti en M&eacute;xico.</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="157" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6Xqvd2lj8AQ" width="280"></iframe></p> <p>Direcci&oacute;n: Bryan C&aacute;rdenas. Protagonista: Ingrid Islas. Producci&oacute;n: Border Agencia de Activismo. Producci&oacute;n audiovisual: The Bohemio. Locaci&oacute;n: Casa Club Roshell.</p> ', 'sede' => 'border.com.mx', 'aliados' => '', 'dias' => 'Jueves', 'duracion' => '2 horas', 'costo' => 'Actividad sin costo', 'leyenda' => '', 'vigencia' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'fecha_inicio' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'fecha_final' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'hora_inicio' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'hora_final' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'published' => true, 'created' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'id_programa' => (int) 1, 'url_imagen' => 'Exposicion_Travestismo1.jpg', 'mail_inscripcion' => '', 'boton_paypal' => '', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ 'titulo' => true, 'tipo' => true, 'slug' => true, 'descripcion' => true, 'sede' => true, 'aliados' => true, 'dias' => true, 'duracion' => true, 'costo' => true, 'leyenda' => true, 'vigencia' => true, 'fecha_inicio' => true, 'fecha_final' => true, 'hora_inicio' => true, 'hora_final' => true, 'published' => true, 'created' => true, 'modified' => true, 'id_programa' => true, 'programas' => true, 'disciplinas' => true, 'participantes' => true, 'temas' => true, 'url_imagen' => true, 'mail_inscripcion' => true, 'boton_paypal' => true, 'disciplina_string' => true, 'medios_string' => true, 'tema_string' => true ], '[dirty]' => [], '[original]' => [], '[virtual]' => [], '[hasErrors]' => false, '[errors]' => [], '[invalid]' => [], '[repository]' => 'Actividades' } $programas = object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT Programas.titulo AS `Programas__titulo`, Programas.id AS `Programas__id`, Programas.slug AS `Programas__slug` FROM programas Programas WHERE Programas.activo = :c0 ORDER BY titulo ASC', 'params' => [ ':c0' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ 'Programas__id' => 'integer', 'Programas.id' => 'integer', 'id' => 'integer', 'Programas__titulo' => 'string', 'Programas.titulo' => 'string', 'titulo' => 'string', 'Programas__descripcion' => 'text', 'Programas.descripcion' => 'text', 'descripcion' => 'text', 'Programas__url_imagen' => 'string', 'Programas.url_imagen' => 'string', 'url_imagen' => 'string', 'Programas__activo' => 'boolean', 'Programas.activo' => 'boolean', 'activo' => 'boolean', 'Programas__created' => 'datetime', 'Programas.created' => 'datetime', 'created' => 'datetime', 'Programas__modified' => 'datetime', 'Programas.modified' => 'datetime', 'modified' => 'datetime', 'Programas__url_imagen_banner' => 'string', 'Programas.url_imagen_banner' => 'string', 'url_imagen_banner' => 'string', 'Programas__duracion' => 'text', 'Programas.duracion' => 'text', 'duracion' => 'text', 'Programas__tipo' => 'text', 'Programas.tipo' => 'text', 'tipo' => 'text', 'Programas__posicionamiento' => 'text', 'Programas.posicionamiento' => 'text', 'posicionamiento' => 'text', 'Programas__financiamiento' => 'text', 'Programas.financiamiento' => 'text', 'financiamiento' => 'text', 'Programas__published' => 'boolean', 'Programas.published' => 'boolean', 'published' => 'boolean', 'Programas__slug' => 'string', 'Programas.slug' => 'string', 'slug' => 'string' ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [], 'matching' => [], 'extraOptions' => [], 'repository' => object(App\Model\Table\ProgramasTable) {} } $textosBorder = object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT TextosDescripcion.titulo AS `TextosDescripcion__titulo`, TextosDescripcion.id AS `TextosDescripcion__id`, TextosDescripcion.index_posicion AS `TextosDescripcion__index_posicion`, TextosDescripcion.slug AS `TextosDescripcion__slug` FROM textos_descripcion TextosDescripcion WHERE (TextosDescripcion.published = :c0 AND TextosDescripcion.id > :c1) ORDER BY index_posicion ASC', 'params' => [ ':c0' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c1' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ 'TextosDescripcion__id' => 'integer', 'TextosDescripcion.id' => 'integer', 'id' => 'integer', 'TextosDescripcion__titulo' => 'string', 'TextosDescripcion.titulo' => 'string', 'titulo' => 'string', 'TextosDescripcion__header' => 'text', 'TextosDescripcion.header' => 'text', 'header' => 'text', 'TextosDescripcion__slug' => 'string', 'TextosDescripcion.slug' => 'string', 'slug' => 'string', 'TextosDescripcion__texto' => 'text', 'TextosDescripcion.texto' => 'text', 'texto' => 'text', 'TextosDescripcion__index_posicion' => 'integer', 'TextosDescripcion.index_posicion' => 'integer', 'index_posicion' => 'integer', 'TextosDescripcion__published' => 'boolean', 'TextosDescripcion.published' => 'boolean', 'published' => 'boolean', 'TextosDescripcion__created' => 'datetime', 'TextosDescripcion.created' => 'datetime', 'created' => 'datetime', 'TextosDescripcion__modified' => 'datetime', 'TextosDescripcion.modified' => 'datetime', 'modified' => 'datetime' ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [], 'matching' => [], 'extraOptions' => [], 'repository' => object(App\Model\Table\TextosDescripcionTable) {} } $title = 'Lo que no se dice. ' $meta = '<meta property='og:title' content='Lo que no se dice. ' /><meta property='og:description' content='<p>Cortometraje&nbsp;documental de Bryan C&aacute;rdenas que narra la experiencia de Ingrid como&nbsp;persona&nbsp;travesti en M&eacute;xico.</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="157" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6Xqvd2lj8AQ" width="280"></iframe></p> <p>Direcci&oacute;n: Bryan C&aacute;rdenas. Protagonista: Ingrid Islas. Producci&oacute;n: Border Agencia de Activismo. Producci&oacute;n audiovisual: The Bohemio. Locaci&oacute;n: Casa Club Roshell.</p> ' /><meta property='og:image' content=<img src="/img/uploads/Exposicion_Travestismo1.jpg" alt=""/> />'</pre><pre class="stack-trace">include - APP/Template/Bunker/exposicion.ctp, line 34 Cake\View\View::_evaluate() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1419 Cake\View\View::_render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1380 Cake\View\View::render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 879 Cake\Controller\Controller::render() - CORE/src/Controller/Controller.php, line 791 Cake\Http\ActionDispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/src/Http/ActionDispatcher.php, line 126 Cake\Http\ActionDispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/src/Http/ActionDispatcher.php, line 94 Cake\Http\BaseApplication::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/BaseApplication.php, line 256 Cake\Http\Runner::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 65 Cake\Http\Runner::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 65 Cake\Http\Middleware\CsrfProtectionMiddleware::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Middleware/CsrfProtectionMiddleware.php, line 120 Cake\Http\Runner::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 65 Cake\Http\Runner::run() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 51 Cake\Routing\Middleware\RoutingMiddleware::__invoke() - CORE/src/Routing/Middleware/RoutingMiddleware.php, line 170 Cake\Http\Runner::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 65 Cake\Routing\Middleware\AssetMiddleware::__invoke() - CORE/src/Routing/Middleware/AssetMiddleware.php, line 88 Cake\Http\Runner::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 65</pre></div></pre>



16 diciembre al 16 diciembre

Lo que no se dice.

Tipo: Exposición individual
Inicio: 16 / 12 / 2020, 19:00 horas | Término: 16 / 12 / 2020, 21:00 horas | Sede: border.com.mx

Cortometraje documental de Bryan Cárdenas que narra la experiencia de Ingrid como persona travesti en México.

Dirección: Bryan Cárdenas. Protagonista: Ingrid Islas. Producción: Border Agencia de Activismo. Producción audiovisual: The Bohemio. Locación: Casa Club Roshell.